Hitek Dentistry Blog
Helpful information for you and your family about oral healthHow Long Should You Brush Your Teeth?
For optimal oral health, you need to be frequently brushing your teeth every day. Learn how long you should brush your teeth from our oral health services professionals.
How Many Teeth Do Humans Have?
Did you know that adults and children have a different number of teeth and need to maintain their oral health differently? Learn more from our family dental clinic.
Wisdom Teeth Surgery Questions Answered
Here's Our Answers to a Number of Common Wisdom Teeth Questions Though not everyone will need wisdom teeth surgery, extraction is often recommended to prevent future issues. It is best to have wisdom teeth surgery performed before the teeth have erupted (while you are...
What Causes Dry Mouth?
Symptopms of Clinicaly Diagnosed Dry Mouth And Throat Dry mouth, known medically as “xerostomia”, is a condition wherein a person consistently does not have enough saliva to keep his or her mouth and throat moist. Though few people realise it, dry mouth is more than...
How to Manage Wisdom Tooth Pain
Managing Wisdom Tooth Pain Prior to having your wisdom teeth removed, you can manage the pain by: Using a mouth rinse: You can make a simple and effective mouth rinse at home by mixing a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of salt, then stirring. Swish the rinse in your...
How To Brush Your Teeth With Braces Infographic
Brushing Your Teeth With Braces Braces don't just look awkward—they often feel awkward, too: Though they are sometimes necessary to ensure an aligned bite and beautiful smile, they can make routine tooth care difficult, particularly for young children. Taking extra...
Does A Root Canal Hurt?
Is Root Canal Procedure Painful? The root canal procedure itself is usually painless as your dentist will completely numb the tooth being treated before he or she begins the root canal. Many people erroneously associate root canal treatment with extreme pain as it...
Does Novocaine Have Any Side Effects?
Curious if novocaine has any side effects? Read our oral health blog or consult with one of our dental care experts about our state of the art dental equipment .
Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth?
Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth? Answer: Yes Coffee may get us smiling in the morning, but it doesn't always have the most flattering effect on our smile: The tiny pits and ridges naturally present in tooth enamel make our teeth prone to staining from dark foods and...
No More Tears: How To Choose The Right Dentist For Your Child
No More Tears: How To Choose The Right Dentist For Your Child For most parents, the most dreaded aspect of routine dental care is not the fear of needing fillings or crowns—it's the idea of bringing their children to the dentist. Parents know all too well that while...
Is Your Affordable Dentist Costing You More Than You Think?
Choosing a Reliable Dentist There is a wise old adage which states, “If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.” Most of us are aware of the fact that if we cut corners when buying just about anything—be it electronics, furniture, clothing, or whatever...
What You Need to Know About Oral Health If You’re Pregnant
Pregnancy and Dental Care At our dental practice we often receive questions from expecting mothers, so the team here at Hitek Family Dental Care put together this helpful guide for expecting mothers and what they need to know about their oral health. While many of the...
Is Dental Amalam Safe? Risks of Mercury & Silver Fillings
5 Risks of Mercury & Silver Fillings When it comes to mercury and silver fillings (also referred to as amalgam fillings), many dental patients find it difficult to separate fact from fiction. On the one hand, hundreds of alarmist articles litter the web stating...
Foods You Didn’t Know Were Good for Your Teeth
Did You Know These 5 Foods Good for Your Teeth? In the past, food was fairly universally seen as a threat to teeth, with sugary foods and drinks topping the list of worst offenders. Regular brushing and flossing, we were told, were all we could do to keep our teeth...
What to Do If You Bite Your Lip Or Tongue
Bit your tongue or lip? Bite your lips as a habit? Learn more from from our Orange NSW cosmetic dental professionals of how to prevent a lip biting habit.