by Dr David Kirby | Oct 9, 2016 | Dental FAQ, Family Dentistry, Oral Health Tips
There are a host of questions you should ask when choosing a dental surgeon, but some are more vital than others. Choosing a competent dental surgeon is a critical task, since oral surgery may affect your overall quality of life, not only your smile and teeth. You may...
by Dr David Kirby | Oct 4, 2016 | Dental FAQ, Oral Health Tips
Enamel, the substance that covers the outside of our teeth, is the hardest material in our bodies. Made of mostly of minerals, this translucent coating protects our teeth and gives them the strength to crush, chew and tear the many different foods we eat. Our enamel...
by Dr David Kirby | Sep 20, 2016 | Family Dentistry, Oral Health Tips, Pediatric Dentistry
Children and Fear of The Dentist Let’s be honest: no one likes going to the dentist. Many full-grown adults still harbor a great deal of stress and anxiety over the whole ordeal of an hour or two in the dentist’s chair, and it’s only worse for children, who don’t have...
by Dr David Kirby | Aug 16, 2016 | Family Fun, Oral Health Tips
Mind-blowing Dental Stats & Facts While it seems fairly every-day and mundane, the world of dentistry is actually an exciting one filled with facts and stats that just may blow your mind. This article assembles some of the most surprising dental statistics and...
by Dr David Kirby | Jul 19, 2016 | Dental FAQ, Family Dentistry, Oral Health Tips
Teeth Straightening Options One of the things we all learning on the way to becoming an adult is the importance of a first impression. And the appearance of our teeth goes a long way in that regard. An even, healthy-looking set of pearly whites helps us project a...
by Dr David Kirby | Jul 12, 2016 | Family Dentistry, Oral Health Tips
How To Use a Waterpik for Flossing Many people avoid flossing because they find it uncomfortable; after all, floss can be hard on sensitive gums and gripping a piece of floss in one’s fingers and then pushing it far enough back to reach in between one’s...
by Dr David Kirby | Jun 28, 2016 | Dental FAQ, Oral Health Tips
Not Brushing Your Teeth Before Bed? Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed? Always? Without fail? If you can answer an unequivocal “yes,” you’re in the majority — but just barely. According to a recent poll in Britain, 45% of adults admitted to sometimes...
by Dr David Kirby | May 24, 2016 | Family Dentistry, Food & Diet, Oral Health Tips
As much as we all enjoy junk food and sugary beverages, most people try to stay away from them, conscious of the negative consequences too much of them can have our teeth, waistlines and general health. But sadly, the “healthier” alternatives are rarely as good for us...
by Dr David Kirby | Mar 29, 2016 | Family Dentistry, Oral Health Tips, Pediatric Dentistry
No More Tears: How To Choose The Right Dentist For Your Child For most parents, the most dreaded aspect of routine dental care is not the fear of needing fillings or crowns—it’s the idea of bringing their children to the dentist. Parents know all too well that...
by Dr David Kirby | Mar 28, 2016 | Family Dentistry, Oral Health Tips
Choosing a Reliable Dentist There is a wise old adage which states, “If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.” Most of us are aware of the fact that if we cut corners when buying just about anything—be it electronics, furniture, clothing, or whatever...
by Dr David Kirby | Jan 28, 2016 | Oral Health Tips
5 Risks of Mercury & Silver Fillings When it comes to mercury and silver fillings (also referred to as amalgam fillings), many dental patients find it difficult to separate fact from fiction. On the one hand, hundreds of alarmist articles litter the web stating...
by Dr David Kirby | Jan 28, 2016 | Food & Diet, Oral Health Tips
Did You Know These 5 Foods Good for Your Teeth? In the past, food was fairly universally seen as a threat to teeth, with sugary foods and drinks topping the list of worst offenders. Regular brushing and flossing, we were told, were all we could do to keep our teeth...
by Dr David Kirby | Jan 5, 2016 | Oral Health Tips
Bitten Lip or Tongue If you or your child has bitten through a lip or tongue, resist the urge to panic. Gently clean the area, staunch the blood flow by applying pressure with a sterile gauze pad, and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. If bleeding persists,...